Retrain Your Brain for Financial Success

Even the best laid retirement plans are subject to our emotional restlessness.   Our emotional attachment to instant gratification sets us up for financial defeat.   The ability to know one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values and goals and recognize their impact  is a vital component to one’s overall financial plan. The importance of expense mangement and the cost of waiting to save are two things  Read more ➝

The Great Recession: An ‘Affair’ to Remember

The business cycles doesn’t seem to care who is president.  With the tightening of the Presidential race in recent weeks many are concerned with the speed, or lack thereof, of  the U.S. economic recovery.  Although the recession technically ended in June 2009, the climb out is happening all to slowly. This article discusses how little  Read more ➝

Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff?

With the uncertainty of the Presidential election looming and even greater uncertainty about how Congress will tackle our fiscal woes, many are concerned that the United States will soon fall off a Fiscal Cliff.  Although no one could deny that this is a possible outcome, most economist seem to believe that a less dramatic outcome  Read more ➝