Investors Turn From Once-Hot REITs

Investors fled Real Estate Investment Trusts en mase since mid May when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke suggested that the Federal Reserve’s accomodative monetary policy might soon come to a close.  Their concerns appear to be  twofold; there’s concern that higher borrowing cost will impair REIT’s ability to continue to pay handsome dividends and also concern  Read more ➝

Paul Ryan: Here’s How We Can End This Stalemate

In an op-ed post in today’s Wall Street Journal (to read CLICK HERE), Representative Paul Ryan, R-Wis, proposed broading the Congressional dialouge beyond a conversation on the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) to include a conversation about changing the tax code and tackling Medicare funding–two topics that, at least in theory, garner broad bi-partisian support.   Read more ➝

IMF’s Pessimism on Global Growth Widens

The International Monetary Fund cut its world growth forecast Tuesday amid deteriorating emerging-market prospects, urging authorities to shore up their economies as the U.S. prepares to exit its easy-money policies and wrestles with a budget impasse that threatens to derail the global recovery.  To view the entire article from the Wall Street Journal CLICK HERE.